Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reviewing our fall reviews...

Specifically my fall review. It went well. I think. The discussions centered on where I could take my work next. I think some very worthwhile directions surfaced, but most enlightening-ly? I realized that I was not particularly interested in pursuing the projects. At least in a formal school way.

I spent a large chunk of my time over winter break drawing the first part of a comic book (unfortunately I will still need to spend a good deal of my time coloring it). And as a result of this it dawned on me that the screen based abstracted comic I had shown was trying to make my desire to create a comic fit a fine art context. Which it doesn't really. At least not without taking it away from what I like about the medium. So that one is scratched.

The second project I showed the small environment sculpture. I liked making it, I think it came out okay for a first go. But, I feel like a real time investment would be needed for it to go forward.

I have no problem with investing my time. Though I am wary in this economic climate. But, I know I would rather spend it elsewhere. Somewhere that I find more exciting. And I think the work I was doing this summer, the layered super heros, got put on hold for school. I never really felt like they were done and now I think is the time to make them correctly. And make them three dimensional out of something that will not fall over into a million pieces.

So my big realization from the reviews is that I should have been making other work. Hmm.

Though I have picked up some interesting reading as a result.

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