The general consensus seemed to be that Tom Burr’s work was impressive due to the level of thought behind each and every one of his decisions. After some of my own thinking I believe this to be incorrect. Or perhaps correct, but not super important. It might be more fitting to say that the decisions he is making are blatant. So much so that it’s like Tom Burr is standing in the room with you, slapping you in the face.
Now I like that. I like that a lot more than just thinking Burr was careful with his choices and that he thought long and hard about all of them. He’s a well known artist, working conceptually and should damn well be thinking about his choices. I almost feel it’s more important that his work feels constructed than why he’s making the choices. That somehow having to make these choices is important in process only, and the development of a theatrical environment.
Wack! (P.S.1)
In the stylings of Sherrie Levine I’m just going to link you to what Caitlin wrote... http://cburkhart.blogspot.com/2008/03/ps-1.html.
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