(-Carlo Scarpa-) This building is from our trip to Vicenza. I apologize for the cellphone photo. You’d think that I didn’t bring a real camera on the trip. The building is a castle that Carlo Scarpa gutted to insert a very modern museum. Much like he was replacing a bad heart with a pig’s heart. Imagine though that he didn’t just find the heart but carefully constructed it from the aorta down to the tiniest detail. Including the stands for the paintings.
Scarpa’s full involvement in his project was a necessity for the remodel to be successful. Already there is medieval castle that contrasts with the modern architecture. Had there been variances within the new architecture it would have distracted from the meeting of old and new.
The use of modern materials. Steel. Cement. Combined with the geometric stylings of Scarpa all helped to create a new looking building. Modern certainly. But, I feel it is more important that it is a new building. Where Castelvechia’s blocks are weathered, rounded. The newly incorporated architecture’s harsh angles stress their recent construction. So that when combined with a modern style we see a new building inside an old one. Where the new architecture highlights the old not just itself.
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