Apparently my review went on for awhile. I didn't realize this at the time, which I assume is a good thing.
Bad things seem to take longer.
But, to say that I came away with a wealth of direction from the review might be something of an exaggeration. Taking some of my more experimental uncontrolled processes from the previous screen prints (one of which was shown, albeit in a lump) and apply similar methodologies to the computer driven prints could be good. But, maybe, not.
I would like to animate the prints next I think.
And maybe project back on top of them. Though that seems silly. Why would I do that? Maybe I will anyway. Extra layers!
But first I have to simplify my thoughts, or make them more complex.
I made a book even. I wonder if it did a bad job describing why I did what I made. Again depends who I talk to. I should work on it more.
Clarification is the name of the game from here on out. Excepting of course when the name of the game is "learn after effects" or "screenprint with a wrist brace" or "draw more pictures" or "find health insurance." But, other than those things...