In this way the construction is an echo of the hands’ gesture. The meeting of fingers and the meetings of molds. The roughness of the gestures and the rough unfinished construction. As viewers, we ourselves meet with the sculptures. Again, this is not a seamless meeting. There is a sense of intrusion when faced with the two implied persons who are already meeting. In my own work I have become increasingly interested in the means of execution reflecting the concept. I feel this a prime example.
I would have taken pictures, but such things were not allowed. Lest we steal the art works soul. In substitute for photos here is the Dia’s logo.

You know it’s good because it’s Helvetica. And then here's the pathway outside.

Here are some more things I have found out of doors.

When dogs fly.

Judith Supine. And changing gears...

I was worried when I saw this. Did I need to throw my sandwich wrapper on the ground before I threw it away?