I have eaten at Barry's almost every day of classes for the last two weeks. Barry's it is a small sandwich shop right off the U of O campus. One which is simultanesously a bakery. It is delicious--especially the soup. Which is only 3.25 for a bowl with bread. A good deal. The problem is this, a piece of cake costs less than half a sandwich. Resultingly, I have found myself eating a lot of cake with my soup. Or more accuratley eating soup with my cake and brownies. I don't really see this as a too problematic. But, much like my messy desk, I can see my cake consumption building to a pyramidic scale.* Assuming I eat a third of a cake a week, made easy with generous helpings, by the end of the term I will have approximately consumed three whole cakes. All during lunch. Now, were my evening cakes to be factored into this--at least one in the last two and a half weeks--this adds an additional four cake to my terms total. Bringing me to seven cakes by the end of the term. Almost one cake a week. So my question to you is this... too many cakes?
I may start dropping the extra dollar for a half sandwich.
I made this for a show... somewhere. I don't actually know the location of said show. The email has a .de at the end; Europe? Possible. It seems like I heard some thing about Canada. The show is about deconstructing a single character. It's all in illustrator, from scratch, excluding the letter "A" which is Bauhaus. I was going to make an actual popsicle and photograph it melting. This didn't happen.

The deadline, being at midnight last night, rushed me a bit. But, I'm happy with how it came out. I'm going to silkscreen it, with which I will be potentially much less happy. I would like to make an entire alphabet like this. The following letters may give me trouble... QEUOSDGJLZCB. I'm sure there are lots of words you can spell without those.
*The ones in Egypt, not a group of people I scam into eating cake for me.